Self-Mastery, the key to #leadershipflow
CROFT + Company clients develop a clear understanding of themselves and what is masking their authentic nature. Authenticity is defined as being true to one’s deepest convictions and aspirations and living a life aligned with who one should be. We help our leaders connect with who they should be through practices that develop all the components: our bodies, our emotions, our language, our practices and our history. Leaders discover that a deep understanding of all these aspects of the self play a part in achieving authenticity and entering a state of flow. We are always practicing. And all other components are shaped by our Practice.
We practice within:
•Language: Are we clear and effective in our conversations and when making our promises, offers and declarations?
•Moods/Emotions: Are we aware of how our moods and emotions shape how we view the world and determine what is possible?
•Body: Are we working with our body to expand and embrace or to contract and withdraw from our interactions? Is our body limiting or increasing our future possibilities?
•History: Are we seeing the story of our past and its influences on how we see the world and the results it creates?
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