» Mastering Self

This five part installment of the #leadershipflow blog looks at the origins of the emergence of the #leadershipflow methodology.Part 3: Cultivating Other Leaders and Teams“Leaders create  other leaders!"The concept of Cultivating Other Leaders and Teams arose, like Self-Mastery and Visioni ...
This five-part installment of the #leadershipflow blog looks at the origins of the emergence of the #leadershipflow methodology.“The most difficult person you will ever have to lead is yourself!"Part 1:  Self-MasteryAt the beginning of my journey as a leadership coach, I foun ...
We are shaped by practices and shape ourselves through practices.” Bob Dunham Are your practices creating a more powerful life for you? Or, are they creating more of the breakdowns limiting your life?  I recently read a great blog by an associate and friend of mine, Jerry Holtaway,  e ...
Did your garbage can make it to the curb on time for pick up? Was your dinner served quickly so you could get to the movie on time? Did one of your key employees complete a task exactly as you wanted? Did date night with your spouse get canceled again? (Wait, do not answer that) If your answer for a ...
In our last blog we looked at Resentment, a powerful mood/emotion that is created by not accepting what is. This time, let’s look at the antidote to this toxic and unproductive emotion. Remember the scenario? It went like this: Something happened that you could not control and negatively affected ...
We have all been there before. Something happens that you cannot control and negatively affects your big project; your boss responds with something unflattering about your leadership style and/or your ability to deliver; your whole team gets negative feedback from a senior leader about the missed de ...
"I will never use Twitter, I do not know a single leader that I coach who uses it -  it is a waste of my time. Besides, I do not want to be one of those people who tweets about my activities in a Starbucks’ line!"Yes, I said it. It was sometime in 2013 and I was working with my branding partner, ...
Good for you! Enough of all of this selfless service, the ‘always putting everyone else first’ BS, it is time to put you first as a leader. Now, before you call your local Goodie Two-Shoes outfit and have me tarred and feathered, let me explain.The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines selfish as, ...
The fourth body disposition we will look at is the body of the Lover, the Amiable, the body of openness. This is one who strives to accept each person and wants the best for all. This is the body that allows individuals to open up and care about one another. In the body of the lover we see the follo ...
How dare you even think about leaving my company for greener pastures?After all I have done for you!- I have asked, no, make that told you to stay late many days because I was disorganized and needed you to bail me out.- I have cut you zero slack when your personal life o ...
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