METHOD > #LeadershipFlow
#LeadershipFlow is an ongoing set of practices designed to create a heightened state of being, producing peak performances at critical moments. As each leader’s embodiment of flow deepens, the performance of the entire organization increases. The indicator of high #LeadershipFlow is an effective organization that exceeds its expectations and accomplishes extraordinary feats.
This flow is achieved through the exploration and integration of language, body, moods, emotions, history and stories by individuals who are charged with leadership responsibilities. This ongoing foundational practice of Self Mastery is expressed as a consistent current moving through three crucial systems of action: Visioning the Future, Cultivating other Leaders and Teams, Creating Culture and Expanding Capacity.
Much like rafting down a river, leaders encounter different classes of rapids from the less challenging to the near impossible. Market forces and limited resources, internal and external, bring a similar spectrum of difficulty. Every day is not a class 5 rapid; every day is not a championship game. #LeadershipFlow mirrors this variant scale of pressure that we identify as a Flow Cycle.
Mastering Self
CROFT + Company clients develop a clear understanding of themselves and what is masking their authentic nature. Authenticity is defined as being true to one’s deepest convictions and aspirations and living a life aligned with who one should be. We help our leaders connect with who they should be through practices that develop all the components: our bodies, our emotions, our language, our practices and our history. Leaders discover that a deep understanding of all these aspects of the self play a part in achieving authenticity and entering a state of flow. We are always practicing. And all other components are shaped by our Practice.
We practice within:
- Language: Are we clear and effective in our conversations and when making our promises, offers and declarations?
- Moods/Emotions: Are we aware of how our moods and emotions shape how we view the world and determine what is possible?
- Body: Are we working with our body to expand and embrace or to contract and withdraw from our interactions? Is our body limiting or increasing our future possibilities?
- History: Are we seeing the story of our past and its influences on how we see the world and the results it creates?
Visioning the Future
All great endeavors start with a vision, whether it is leading a team to increased sales or steering an organization in a bold new direction through uncharted waters. But, Visioning is more than just declaring a final destination; the technical knowledge that got the leader to their position is the easy part of the equation. It is the motivational essence of the vision, the moods and emotions that will create the power to accomplish the vision. It is the role of leaders to tap that human aspect of a vision to bring it alive. Visioning is always about the feelings it evokes in its followers. Leaders must develop the ability to recognize the positive behaviors they want to see.
Committing to the vision can be difficult. Pressures from the market, conflicting guidance from their superiors and self-doubt can cause leaders to reject their own vision, preventing it from coming alive. But when that essence is tapped and communicated, great things are possible. It is the role of a leader to make that happen.
Cultivating Other Leaders and Teams
Common is the leader who laments that his or her followers are not following. While they might believe that this lack of following is a follower issue, it is really a leader issue. Leaders in #LeadershipFlow understand the need to cultivate follow-on team members is one of the most critical tasks a leader can undertake. The sharing of vision, behaviors and skills is just the beginning. If an organization wants their leaders to lead by example, they must coach, mentor and teach them to lead by example. If effective conversations are desired, then effective conversations must be modeled, coached and mentored.
Are your subordinates a mirror image of you as a leader? The answer might surprise you. It is your job to make them individuals bringing diversity to the game. Teach them the skills, behaviors and values that you demand as a leader.
Creating Culture and Expanding Capacity
The organizational culture that you currently have is 100% perfect to create the results you are currently getting, so if you want different results you will have to create a different culture. The alignment of cultural elements - beliefs, behaviors, physical environment and processes - is an absolute necessity to creating #LeadershipFlow. Your organization already has beliefs, a physical environment and processes, and engages in conversations. The good news is that leaders can identify which processes and behaviors are not in alignment with their vision. We help them to identify what to prune away, to observe what is not working or important and feed and care for what is. High performing cultures promote efficiency and eliminate what gets in the way. They get right to what matters - powerful moods, effective conversations, aligned commitments and ultimately, results.