- BS; Business Management, Lesley College, Cambrige, MA
- Six Sigma Certified Black Belt, General Electric Company, Lynn, MA
- Master Certified Lean Leader, GE Lean Six Sigma Corporate Office
- 3P Kaizen, IHI Company, Japan
- Super Kaizen, Shingijutsu Consultin Firm, Gifu, Japan
- Distribution Kaizen, Yamatake Company, Japan
- GEMBA Kaizen, Yamatake and Hitachi Company, Japan
"Ten years ago I was a 305 pound diabetic, the future looked pretty bleak. The solution was to do what I have done in my career for the past 25 years. I focused on this: know the problems, do the research, get the data, and develop a detailed plan. My doctor looked at the plan and said, 'If you do it, this will help save your life, but you will be on medication forever.' I lost 100 pounds, I learned a new way to live, and low and behold I was able to get off all medication. My daily physical training requires a whole lot of self-mastery, and so does relearning to play the guitar for my grandchildren."
As a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Bill conducted several thousand Lean Events during his 38 year career at GE. Leading 5S and GEMBA Kaizens for GE Automotive increased inventory turns 75%, 43% for Cost Improvement, and 83% reduction in Accident Rates. In his role at GE Aviation, Bill walked the floor of the plants all over the world, including every branch of the military in every theater. To say Bill understands how to analyze a problem and develop a strategy for success is truly an understatement. He wants results. When he enters a new work environment there must be collaboration -- he must learn what they know. He cautions against brainstorming solutions too quickly instead of taking the time to closely define the problems. This clarity, followed by good communication and collaboration with teams, creates data driven results.