» Mastering Self

Croft interview - Scott MurrayIn this ongoing series of conversations with gifted leaders I am exploring #LeadershipFlow in action. What is it? How does it help leaders navigate change and inspire others to reach for more?Croft: Today I’m out on a beautiful urban farm to talk with Scott Mur ...
As we continue to explore the concept of Flow in our study of LeadershipFlow it will be necessary to draw on the works of experts in the study of Flow. To help those who wish to learn more about flow here are some helpful resources:Let's begin with the book, The Rise of Superman, Decoding the Scie ...
To start to lay out the concept of LeadershipFlow it is necessary to really understand the concept of Flow and there is no better place to start than the study of the man who is really considered the “Godfather” of Flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced Me-High Chick-Sent-Me-High).  Csikszen ...
In this ongoing series of conversations with gifted leaders I am exploring #LeadershipFlow in action. What is it? How does it help leaders navigate change and inspire others to reach for more?Chances are that you have never heard of Jason Kornoely, but I want you to. He is my daughter Olivia’s 3rd ...
Are you feeling frustrated with your job? Do you dread going into work? You might be standing on the slippery slope of burnout, or what leadership expert, Bob Dunham, refers to as the “Six Levels of Hell.” Here are some burnout clues you might look for and some thoughts on how to get out ...
Recently I was facilitating a leadership program for a large organization and one of the participants was a newly hired employee whose father worked at the company. When I spoke with both dad and daughter at different times, they were both extremely excited that she was now working at the company. ...
In this ongoing series of conversations with gifted leaders I am exploring #LeadershipFlow in action. What is it? How does it help leaders navigate change and inspire others to reach for more?I recently spoke with Don Kern, who on December 1st, 2011, set the world record for the fastest time to c ...
Self-Mastery, the key to #leadershipflowCROFT + Company clients develop a clear understanding of themselves and what is masking their authentic nature. Authenticity is defined as being true to one’s deepest convictions and aspirations and living a life aligned with who one should be. We he ...
"If you take care of your people your people will take care of your customers and your business will take care of itself.”    JW Marriott A key tenant of #LeadershipFlow is Cultivating Other Leaders and Teams. How do you do that? Well, let me ask you a question. Do you care about your empl ...
     A quick little story about how our observation of things can serve us, and at the same time, limit us.     I built a free floating wooden raft for my daughters to play on up at the lake. It was a simple, fun vacation project, a chance for me to find some flow (That state of being, a high ...
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