» expanding capacity

This five part installment of the #leadershipflow blog looks at the origins of the emergence of the #leadershipflow methodology. Part 4: Creating Culture and Expanding Capacity “Your current organizational culture designed perfectly to get the results you are getting. If you ...
Who is training your team to be leaders? Who is teaching them how to motivate others, to have effective conversations, to create powerful futures for the organization? If I were to ask many leaders this question I’ll bet I would get answers such as:-We have a training department.-We outsource that ...
I was recently in an extraordinary, ordinary meeting. It was a Friday morning meeting where the previous day’s activities were discussed and the plan for the upcoming day was shared with the group. It was a meeting where people were engaged in a great dialogue of learning and listening. There was ...
Creating Culture and Expanding CapacityThe organizational culture that you currently have is 100% perfect to create the results you are currently getting, so if you want different results you will have to create a different culture. The ...
I have been working to understand how flow expresses itself in great leadership and applying my discoveries in my coaching conversations. This post is an overview of my methodology thus far.  I am continuing to go in search of stories and science to advance my understanding, so if you have any thou ...