The Origins of the LeadershipFlow Methodology- Creating Culture and Expanding Capacity (4 of 5)

August 1, 2017 By Croft Edwards - No Comments
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This five part installment of the #leadershipflow blog looks at the origins of the emergence of the #leadershipflow methodology.

 Part 4: Creating Culture and Expanding Capacity

 “Your current organizational culture designed perfectly to get the results you are getting. If you want different results you must change the culture.”

3. Creating Culture

The final principle of LeadershipFlow is based on years of observing leaders in action.  I have had the privilege to coach and consult in a very diverse client base…from underground mines to the shop floor of bomb manufacturing facilities; oil refineries to pharmaceutical manufacturing; non-profits to government agencies; and Native American owned entities to high-end resorts.

What they all have in common is an organizational culture or a combination of beliefs, behaviors, physical environment and processes.  However, each one is unique.

Every culture determines what is possible for the organization.  One culture is no better than another, yet each culture creates a certain possibilities and closes others by its own nature.  As leaders, a critical skill is the ability to observe the team or organizations culture for what it is.  If a different culture is required for different results, the culture must be converted to one that will create the desired outcomes.

To change and adapt a culture requires a commitment of resources, primarily time and money, and those resources are scarce in all organizations. The need to expand capacity is inherent to the process.  The more capacity an organization has to change, the more powerful the change can be.

By creating culture and expanding capacity, leaders are creating the ability and space for self-mastery and developing leaders and highly functioning teams, enabling LeadershipFlow to happen in the organization.


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