The Origins of the LeadershipFlow Methodology: The LeadershipFlow Model (5 of 5)

September 1, 2017 By Croft Edwards - No Comments
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This five part installment of the #leadershipflow blog looks at the origins of the emergence of the #leadershipflow methodology.

Part 5: The LeadershipFlow Model
“LeadershipFlow is about creating powerful organizations that deliver amazing results on a consistent basis.”
In the previous four blogs in this series we looked at the origins of the  ongoing practices which makeup LeadershipFlow:
To visually create an understanding of LeadershipFlow, we have developed the model below.  At the center of LeadershipFlow is Self-Mastery.  To create Flow in an organization, leaders must create, in themselves, the change they desire to see.  The other three practices are a result of the Self-Mastery embodied by the leaders…ongoing practices which, although shown separately, are intertwined, overlap, and build on one another.
#leadershipflow model with C+c logo
So here it is, the LeadershipFlow Model.  As we continue the journey please join and share your thoughts on the quest for LeadershipFlow!
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