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Creating Culture and Expanding CapacityThe organizational culture that you currently have is 100% perfect to create the results you are currently getting, so if you want different results you will have to create a different culture. The ...
In this ongoing series of conversations with gifted leaders I am exploring #LeadershipFlow in action. What is it? How does it help leaders navigate change and inspire others to reach for more?I recently spoke with Don Kern, who on December 1st, 2011, set the world record for the fastest time to c ...
Cultivating Other Leaders and TeamsCommon is the leader who laments that his or her followers are not following. While they might believe that this lack of following is a follower issue, it is really a leader issue. Leaders in #Leadershi ...
Visioning the Future- A key component of #LeadershipFlowAll great endeavors start with a vision, whether it is leading a team to increased sales or steering an organization in a bold new direction through uncharted waters. But, Visioning ...
Self-Mastery, the key to #leadershipflowCROFT + Company clients develop a clear understanding of themselves and what is masking their authentic nature. Authenticity is defined as being true to one’s deepest convictions and aspirations and living a life aligned with who one should be. We he ...