What would be said in your Eulogy? The Character of Dr. Jack Ramsey

May 2, 2014 By Croft Edwards - No Comments
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Two stories from the National Basketball Association have caught my attention in the last few weeks:

One, in case you have been living in a cave, involves the Los Angeles Clippers team owner, Donald Sterling, and racial comments he has said in a private conversation. This story has been seemingly, the main headline since it came out and will likely continue for some time. My point here is not to comment on the situation. Rather, the reason this story caught my eye is the effect this story will have on Sterling’s footnote in history. When Sterling’s eulogy will be written in the future, what will he be remembered for? I am not sure, but I think one conversation will be discussed, likely at length, defining his life.

The second story which caught my eye was the passing of former coach and announcer Dr. Jack Ramsey(http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/10851183/dr-jack-ramsay-father-friend).  Ramsey had a storied career which included service in the forerunner of the Navy Seals, a successful coach on both the college level and the professional level, and a successful career as an announcer. Many former players and colleagues wrote articles and were quoted about their respect and love for Ramsey, not only as a professional but also, and most importantly, as a person. Now, I was not at  Dr. Ramsey’s memorial service, but I am pretty sure that his eulogies were a testament to his impact on the world. The story of Dr. Jack will be one of character and love.
What will your eulogy or footnote in history be?  Will your story be written about your courage and positive effect you had on the lives you touched? Will those who knew you best, write and talk about your best?  Or will it be crushed by your behaviors and actions that others cannot see past? Will they write your eulogy with an asterisk or negative footnote?  As a leader, your character is defined every day through your actions and your behaviors. Will you be written about as a Dr. Jack Ramsey or as a Donald Sterling?
Live as the leader for which you want to be remembered.  @croftedwards, #leadershipflow
photo credit espn.go.com


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